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We have thousands of positive evaluations of both courses. Over 90% of our students say they heard about either course through the recommendation of a colleague. In the interest of space, here is a representative sample of the Pollution and Hydrology course evaluations with the Remediation Course testimonials to follow:

The Groundwater Pollution and  Hydrology Course


"The course was fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. An incredible amount of knowledge. Unbelievable that you can get so many "Groundwater Gods" in one place. Fantastic that they're all so willing to teach + share!!"

Tara Smith, TSSA (Technical Standards and Safety Authority--Provincial Regulator-Ontario, Canada


"This is an excellent course! I would recommend this course to all colleagues. Extremely helpful information for my job requirements. Very effective at communicating complex technical info! Excellent case studies; real-world applications. This course is a general requirement for all new staff at the Central Coast Regional Water Board (State of California).

Sarah Treadwell, California State Water Board, Central Coast Region 3


"Very good comprehensive course. I would recommend to my colleagues. In fact, this course has been the standard overall groundwater course for hydros in my agency and in the consulting world we work with."

Bryn Thomas, Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality


"I don't recall ever attending such an informative and comprehensive course, truly taught by real experts in their respective fields! I most highly recommend this course."

Roger Chacon, El Paso Electric


"The course was excellent, plenty of useful and up-to-date information with extremely knowledgeable instructors. A mix of instructors provided a good change of pace which is helpful for such long days of instruction. I will recommend this course to my colleagues."

Sherra Benham, Clifton Associates, Ltd.


"Course was well put together: very informative and concise. I will definitely recommend it to my other colleagues."

Sylvester Mode, District Department of the Environment, Washington, D.C.


"Very good. Lots of Information covered, and I can clearly see how I will be able to apply what I've learned to projects at work."

Megan Trimper, Stantec Consulting, Ltd.


"Fantastic, and I would highly recommend the course. The class was well worth the time, money and effort to attend, and will pay off in my future work."

Joel Atcainor, US Army Corps of Engineers.


"This was by far the most detailed and informative course that I have ever participated in. I would definitely recommend this course to my colleagues in the hydrogeology field. I look forward to taking the Remediation Course. I sat for the ASBOG exam in the 2 weeks prior to taking the course. I only wish that I would have been able to take this course prior to my exams. The breath of information presented in the course was an excellent cross section of topics that were covered in the Practice of Geology exam. Overall this was an excellent experience, reminding me of my time as a grad student (M.S.) working with Dr. Jeff Kuo at Cal State University-Fullerton. It was nice to see Dr. Kuo's book used as a Key Reference."

Robert Jones, California Water Resources Control Board


"The course overall was very good and I have learned a lot! It has cleared up many misconceptions that had been passed on to me by others. This binder will serve as a great reference tool for years to come."

Adam Roy, Nobis Engineering, Inc.


"I would rate this course as excellent and would recommend it. It provided a great overview as well as the theory behind completing an assessment. Being a novice in groundwater cleanup, this course provided me with a start to the many pieces needed to complete a project."

Alison Kiliszek, State of Delaware/DNREC


"I thought the course was a very good review and learning experience across several experience levels within environmental consulting/regulation. I would recommend it to both entry level and experienced consultants."

Bill Pickard, SESCO Group


"Yes, I would recommend the course."

Marie-Helene Benoit, IOL (Esso)


"The course was excellent, A+ All of my colleagues could dramatically improve their understanding of the field from this course"

Lee Rosberg, Stone Environmental


"Excellent. Very effective. Excellent engagement of the students. Good use of presentation tools. Very good notes." Roman Lohin, Shell Canada


"This is the best professional course I have taken. A good amount of review to make sure everyone understood the concepts and a lot of new concepts were covered. All the instructors were fantastic. It is very rare that everyone is a good lecturer in these types of courses. I will definitely take the next course."

Sunny Simpkins, Ash Creek Associates


"The Course is incredibly informative. Will definitely recommend to other MGS + DNR staff for future training."

B. Smotherman, Missouri Geological Survey, MO Dept. of Natural Resources


"Overall, the course was excellent. This course has been a tremendous learning experience for me. I enjoyed the breadth of information covered. It was nice to see a little bit of everything."

Jenna Morrish, Environmental Sciences Group


"It is a very good course and I would recommend it. Really enjoyed the real world, practical examples." Jeremy Tapp, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission


"I would absolutely recommend this course to a colleague! This course is packed with information from experts in the field. As a novice in the field, I very much appreciated the depth and breath of the topics."

Carolyn Pearson, US Army Corps of Engineers


"I thought the course was very good with lots of excellent content and good instructors. I would recommend it to colleagues."

Scott McGregor, Golder Associates


"Very good course to Excellent. I have really learned a lot in the course and have got enough leads to continue learning on my own. Thank you very much."

Judith Nathanail, Land Quality Management, United Kingdom


"Great class. I would definitely recommend it for my colleagues."

Amelia Malsbary, GEI Consultants


"Excellent. Extremely well organized and quality material."

Mike Larocca, XL Insurance


"Excellent course for a comprehensive overview of material. Would definitely recommend to colleagues and tell competitors not to go."

Harry O'Neill, Beacon Environmental


"I will absolutely recommend this course to my collegues. Wealth of information."

Deepa de Alwis, MN Pollution Control Agency


"Superb, would definitely recommend."

Ann Hall, Molycorp Minerals, LLc


"For a person new to the industry (Hydrology), this was a very helpful course. The credentials and experience of the presenters was extremely impressive."

Benjamin Soo, Shell Canada Limited


"Definitely recommend. Lots of info relevant to the industry and consulting work. Very concentrated & mostly easy to follow."

Christina Chang, ERM-West, Inc.


"The course was very informative and helpful. I would absolutely recommend this course."

Len McKay, AMEC-Geomatrix Consultants


"I entered knowing little/nothing of hydrology, but left with basic concepts in place. I also feel I have the tools/resources to examine more complicated concepts in groundwater."

Jan Van Trump, Geosyntec Consultants


"Excellent. I would recommend it to colleagues across many different knowledge and experience levels. Also the reference section in the notes is almost worth the price of admission."

Marjory McCenthey, AMEC Geomatrix Consultants



A. Sidebottom, Dow Chemical


"Excellent! This was an excellent course that I would recommend to my colleagues."

Brian Burbeck, AECOM


"I rate this course as an excellent course and I would recommend it. It provided me a great insight into groundwater background that I did not have."
Sean Fournier, TerraTherm, Inc.


"Excellent course. I will definitely recommend it to my colleagues" 

Colleen Canfield, Haley-Aldrich, Inc.


"Course material and instructors were great and I would recommend this to my colleagues."

Tim Sullivan, National Energy Board-Canada


"Excellent. An overwhelming comprehensive amount of material. Binder will be a great reference."

Sikto Ortiz, Conoco Phillips




The Remediation Course



"Excellent. I consider this course essential for all my environmental colleagues (after taking the Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology Course first!)."

Joseph Marsh, US Army Corp. of Engineers


"Excellent. The Best Training Course I've attended in terms of quality of material/speakers and the organization. It is also very entertaining, almost like watching TV at times (for 5 straight days). Thanks for the effort that you've put into the course. Very valuable. Very empowering."

Chris Brownfield, AECOM


"I would rate it as excellent, thorough, up-to-date on technologies and very educational. Enjoyed each topic, would definitely attend other talks/presentations. I will recommend this course to my colleagues. I am very impressed with the speakers, their work, and their accomplishments/successes in the geologic/hydrologic field. Worth the time and money. Thanks."

Beronica Lee-Brand, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates


"The course was excellent! It provided a tremendous amount of knowledge both in theory and practice. Case studies shown were so helpful in understanding the challenges in remediation. The instructors were really proven experts in the field who have wide experience and were kind to share lessons learned from their projects. I definitely would recommend this course to my professional colleagues".

Dewi Restuti, Chevron


"Highly recommended. Very thorough review for the field of remediation. Amazing information. Great to hear talks from the pioneers of remediation."

Sean Davenport, Carus Corporation


"This was a very informative class. I am new to the Remediation Field and this class served as an excellent starting off point. for my training. It covered a very wide range of topics and gave me some good background information. I will highly recommend this course".

Natalie Rogers, USACE


"Very good course. I would recommend it to my fellow colleagues. I appreciate the balance of strategy, technical, practical, theoretical, and empirical concepts."

Doug McReynolds, BNSF Railway


"Excellent course. A wealth of incredibly useful and pertinent information."

Jaymee Binion, Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality


"This course is both broad and deep. It is an outstanding presentation of best science and its application in current best practice."

Suleman Asmal, SAPREF, South Africa


"I found the course to have an excellent breath of topics and well covered. Always good to see experienced professionals enthusiastic about their topics, prepared to discuss their successes and learning from misinterpretations. I'd recommend it as I did the Pollution Course."

Mark Davey, Mobil Oil, Australia


"The most complete course on remediation. All the instructors are amongst the best in their field of expertise. Good balance between theory and practice. All great speakers kept me captivated all the time. I would recommend to anyone involved in site management."

Linda Belanger, Domteur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


"I thought the course was excellent. I would recommend it to my colleagues. I really enjoyed the amount of hands-on, practical information that was available, and the extra resources that some instructors provided. An exceptional climate of practical learning."

Thaidra Sloane. AECOM


"Excellent course! Very germane to my typical day-to-day work ! Will strongly recommend to co-workers."

Todd Wallbon, California DTSC


"A 10,000 star winner!! --to use Las Vegas handicapper lingo."

Mike Bubb, The Elm Group, Inc.


"An exceptionally well formulated and comprehensive course covering the full spectrum of the latest methods/trends in the industry. Definitely going to send colleagues in the next course."

Moinuddin Muhammad, Tekcellent Private Limited, Karachi, Pakistan


"Excellent both in terms of content and delivery. A must for anyone working in the areas of soil and groundwater remediation."

Ali Chowdhury, Shell Global Solutions, Houston, Texas


"Great ! Tons of material, excellent speakers, real-world examples from experts in the field and a bounty of reference material."

Lindsey White, Naval Facilities Engineering Command SW, San Diego, CA


"I loved the information about transects and getting a better idea of the flow and plume characterization. I think this may help on some of my projects. Good information on fluid flushing technologies. I really found the permeable reactive barriers section very useful as well as bioremediation information. I would definitely recommend this course to my colleagues."

Toni McKnight, Envirotech, Inc.


" Thanks for the learning opportunity! The course was excellent and I will be recommending to others."

Andrew Beren, National Energy Board


"Great, excellent remediation and contamination course. I would definitely recommend it."

Jon Schleder, U.S. FAA


"Excellent! Definitely recommend it. This course covered the topics I wanted and more, with expertise and applications. Kudos to you all and I sincerely thank you. Good "flow," no retardation, and lots of "sorption" equal a terrific course!"

Yen-Vy Van, Haley & Aldrich


"Excellent instructors. Overabundance of material. Interesting case studies to help illustrate concepts. Would recommend course to colleagues. Course was recommended to me by a co-worker."

Joseph Bohannan, US Corps. of Engineers


"Excellent broad screen of concepts and technologies. Excellent opportunity to meet and discuss issues with recognized experts in the industry."

Mike Hawthorne, HZA Environmental, Ltd.


"Very good course, and I would recommend it to anyone interested in gaining further knowledge in the remediation field."

Wilson I. Jardim, UNICAMP-Brazil


"The course is strenuous but totally worth it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is involved in remediation."

Eric Blodgett, AMEC-Geomatrix


"Great balance between theory and practical applications. Excellent presentation of the fundamentals. 5/5. Yes,, I will recommend it."

Ron Thiessen, Worley Parsons Canada


"As always, the course was very informative and I have recommended it to colleagues. The scale of the projects that I am involved with is much smaller, but the information in the course can be tailored to meet the requirements of these projects."

Michael Willinger, Resource International, Ltd


"I thought the course was excellent and would definitely recommend it to my colleagues. I thought the instructors were all very professional and their expertise certainly shines through."

Mary Miles, Dillon Consulting, Ltd.


"The course gives an excellent spectrum of current practice technology. I would recommend the course."

J. Smith, URS


"Very intense course. Presenters very knowledgeable in the field of study."

Jenise Showers, TSI


"Very good. Comprehensive. Yes, I will recommend the course."

John Saxton, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


"It is the most complete technical and preparatory remediation course that I have ever seen."

Davi Trindade, Antares Engenharia


"Overall, I felt the course helped tie together a lot I read/heard about and loose ends. Copies of all slides presented were extremely helpful to cut down on necessary notes and nice to review over and over again. The characterization and monitoring section really drove home some important points and was an eye opener to why sites can be so poorly delineated. I would recommend it to colleagues (although all of my internal colleagues have now taken it!!). Thanks for a good week!"

Liz Mueller, Carus Corporation


"I think the course was excellent in its totality. Besides the information provided during the presentations, the course has an amazing binder that contains the state of the art on groundwater and soil remediation. Certainly, I would recommend it to my colleagues."

Paulo Roberto Alves Perreira, Consultoria GEOMA-Brazil


"Excellent. I enjoyed the fact that there were different speakers and that a broad range of topics were covered at a range of complexities."

Jon MacDonald, Terex Environmental Group


"Really Great Course. Good foundation in remediation with some great references."

Steve Mulkey, Valero Energy


"The course is great. A lot of material but very informative."

Matthew Taylor, ADEM-Alabama


"Highly recommend! Years of actual research and experience compiled into this presentation. Very informative."

Sam Baron, Sport Environmental Services, Inc.


"Great course. Very good reference list."

Jeff Wokurka, Boeing


"A lot of information to cover, but the high quality instructors did an excellent job of getting the message through. All the instructors were excellent."

Jeremy Lang, Stantec


"Overall a very good course. It complements the Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology Course."

Brian McCann, Kleinfelder


"10, yes I would recommend it to my colleagues. Exceptionally comprehensive course."

Rober Casey, EA Engineering


"Yes, I would recommend this course. It is a very exciting course, good mix of practical solutions and theory. I found all of it interesting. I like that you spend time on site characterization because it is so important for choosing the right remediation"

Lotte Jorgensen, NIRAS, Denmark


"Very informative. Tons of information, examples, etc. I would recommend it."

Jeremy Archer, URC


"Excellent course, lots of information. The course subjects exceeded my expectations.Topics of most interest: Bioremediation, characterization, natural attenuation, and fundamental concepts. I would recommend the course to colleagues." Maria Gabriela Requiz, Geohidra Consultores, Brazil

Excellent. Topics of most interest: hydrogeology, fractured rock (remediation), transects, air sparging and SVE. Yes, I would recommend the course to colleagues."

Anna Hovsepyan, URS


"Excellent. The course put lots of tools in my toolbox. Also important, it gave the references and places to go so that future (or current) problems can be addressed and solved, or at least show another direction or option to pursue. Yes, I would recommend the course to colleagues."

David Sullivan, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


"Excellent 10/10. Would recommend to anyone in the industry."

Tiffany Ayer, Mosaic, Florida

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© Copyright Princeton Groundwater, Inc.

Teaching Environmental Professionals about Groundwater Pollution, Hydrology, and Remediation since 1974


Princeton Groundwater is not affiliated with Princeton University

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