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Rachel Klinger

Geosyntec Consultants, Jacksonville, FL

  • Environmental Engineer

  • M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Virginia

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About Rachel  Klinger

Rachel Klinger is a licensed Florida Professional Environmental Engineer who loves a challenging site.  She is also a Senior Principal Engineer and Office Manager with Geosyntec Consultants in Jacksonville, FL.

Her passion lies within remediating contaminated sites using innovative approaches and technologies in order to protect resources for future generations.

With over fifteen years of experience as an environmental consultant Mrs. Klinger’s expertise focuses on environmental contamination assessments, remedial alternative evaluation, remedial system design, operation, and optimization, bid package and technical specifications preparation, construction management, agency correspondence and negotiations, groundwater modeling, and vapor intrusion assessment.

Servicing federal, state, and local government entities as well as several power companies, Mrs. Klinger has diverse experience with properties impacted by chlorinated solvents, petroleum products, metals, pesticides, and manufactured gas residuals.  Rachel obtained her B.S. in Civil Engineering from Florida State University and her M.S. in Civil Engineering from University of Virginia.  In addition to being a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida, she is also a Board Certified Environmental Engineer through the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.


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Teaching Environmental Professionals about Groundwater Pollution, Hydrology, and Remediation since 1974


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