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Paulo C. Negrao

Clean Environment Brasil, Brazil

  • Civil Engineer

  • Ph.D. in Geosciences from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

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About Paulo Negrao

Paulo C. Negrão has a degree in Civil Engineering and obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Geosciences of UNICAMP. He is the CEO and Technical Director of Clean Environment Brazil. Negrão is one of the pioneers in the development of the Brazilian groundwater remediation market. He was the International Manager of QED Environmental Systems in the USA from 1999 to 2005 and has more than 27 years of experience designing and installing hundreds of sampling and remediation systems in the USA, Europe, Brazil, Australia, China and Japan, among others. He was the pioneer in Brazil, in 1996, in the introduction of the Low Flow Groundwater Sampling method. Negrao served as a professor at Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at PUC Campinas (1998 - 2009).


In 2010, Negrao was the first to introduce the use of a field mobile laboratory in high-resolution investigations and vapor intrusion assessments in Brazil.


He is a professor of the extension courses in Geoenvironmental Investigations at UNICAMP and Remediation Techniques in the post-grad program in Remediation of Contaminated Areas of SENAC/São Paulo. Negrão has given several courses on groundwater remediation and sampling for public, private, and research companies, such as CETESB, Paraná Environmental Institute, FEAM, INEA, UFSCar, UFRN, UFPE, Petrobras/CENPES, IBAMA, CPRM, UNICAMP, INMETRO, USP and IPT among others. He chaired the Brazilian Standards Association work for the elaboration of standards related to the construction of monitoring wells and groundwater sampling procedures.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Negrão designed the studio and computer system for the Princeton Groundwater Line On-Line courses, allowing the course to be taught over the internet to students from all over the world.

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Teaching Environmental Professionals about Groundwater Pollution, Hydrology, and Remediation since 1974

Princeton Groundwater is not affiliated with Princeton University

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