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Douglas G. Larson

Geosyntec Consultants, Boston, Massatchussets

  • Civil Engineer

  • Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Expert in Site Remediation Design and Contaminated Site Management

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About Douglas Larson

Douglas G. Larson is a Senior Principal Engineer with Geosyntec Consultants in Boston, MA, where he manages the firm's northeast U.S. operations. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in several states and a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) in Massachusetts. Dr. Larson has worked on hazardous waste site remediation projects since 1985, including projects at dozens of Superfund sites throughout the United States. He has helped advance the full-scale implementation of several innovative remediation technologies, and he has designed and managed the application of a wide range of remedial strategies including bioremediation, chemical oxidation, soil vapor extraction (SVE), multi-phase extraction (MPE), air sparging, in situ thermal treatment, groundwater extraction and treatment, and in situ reactive barriers.


Dr. Larson is frequently consulted on Brownfield redevelopment projects and projects involving environmental liability transfers. Dr. Larson has taught at Tufts University and the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and he lectures at universities and conferences throughout the U.S. on remediation topics.


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