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Bernard Kueper

Queens University, Ontario, Canada

  • Civil Engineer

  • Ph.D. in hydrogeology, University of Waterloo

  • Professor Emeritus at Queens University, Ontario, Canada

About Bernard Kueper

Bernard H. Kueper has a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo and is a professor emeritus in the Department of Civil Engineering at Queen’s University. His research focuses on the subsurface behavior and clean-up of dense, non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) such as chlorinated solvents, PCB oils, and creosote. This work is focused on both unconsolidated geologic deposits, such as sands and gravels, as well as fractured clay and rock. Dr. Kueper has carried out laboratory experimentation, fieldwork, and numerical modeling to study the specific processes which govern the subsurface fate of these liquids, as well as methods of site remediation. Dr. Kueper has published extensively in these areas and has lectured on the topics of DNAPL behavior and remediation in professional short courses in Canada, the U.S.A., Brazil, Switzerland, Denmark, and Great Britain. Current work includes the valuation of waterflooding, surfactant flooding, and alcohol flooding as methods of in-situ DNAPL removal, as well the measurement of capillary pressure and relative permeability curves in fractured rock.


Dr. Kueper is a licensed professional engineer who also serves as a technical consultant to private industry. This work has included providing technical expert testimony in court and at public hearings, meetings with U.S. E.P.A. and state regulatory agencies, oversight of site investigation activities, and the preparation of a variety of technical documents.


Dr. Kueper has authored several papers and guides on DNAPL site investigation and remediation.


Click here for the full list of publications of Dr. Kueper.


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