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Bart Eklund

Haley & Aldrich, Austin, Texas

  • Chemist

  • Author and contributor to several Vapor Intrusion state guides, papers, and standards.

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About Bart Eklind

Bart Eklund is a Senior Technical Expert at Haley & Aldrich.  He has a BS in Chemistry from the University of Illinois-Urbana and over 43 years of experience.  He wrote much of the USEPA guidance for addressing air quality at remediation sites.  Mr. Eklund first evaluated vapor intrusion (VI) in 1989 at Hill AFB in Utah.  Since that time, he has designed field measurement programs and/or performed data evaluation to address VI for over 350 sites in 43 States plus VI sites in approximately 20 other countries.  His other activities include organizing five specialty conferences on vapor intrusion; being an author of the ITRC VI guidance document; contributing to State VI Guidance in Kansas and Georgia; and being the primary author of the ASTM D7663 standard for soil gas sampling. 


Mr. Eklund is the author of approximately 20 journal articles, 30 US government publications, and 50 papers in conference proceedings.  He is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).


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